Johanna Wald Armen Avetisyan Nassir Navab Federico Tombari* Matthias Nießner*
Technical University of Munich Google * Authors share senior authorship.
3R-Scan is a large scale, real-world dataset which contains multiple 3D snapshots of naturally changing indoor environments, designed for benchmarking emerging tasks such as long-term SLAM, scene change detection and object instance re-localization.
@inproceedings{Wald2019RIO, title={RIO: 3D Object Instance Re-Localization in Changing Indoor Environments}, author={Johanna Wald, Armen Avetisyan, Nassir Navab, Federico Tombari, Matthias Niessner}, journal={Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, year={2019} }
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